Heya Peeps!
Nice to see you again! I've got a couple posts I should have up in just a little while, but I was so excited about these that I JUST couldn't wait!
So, these are going to be cardboard standees for FWA to match their theme of "Still in Love" Oddly appropriate, if you ask me! I whipped these up for the con, and you'll have your chance to bid on them, if you'd like, Sunday of the con. You should consider going. It's a very well put-together con, and I'd recommend it to anyone, whether they enjoy anthros or just having fun. On to the art!
(And my personal favorite for last~)
Nice to see you again! I've got a couple posts I should have up in just a little while, but I was so excited about these that I JUST couldn't wait!
So, these are going to be cardboard standees for FWA to match their theme of "Still in Love" Oddly appropriate, if you ask me! I whipped these up for the con, and you'll have your chance to bid on them, if you'd like, Sunday of the con. You should consider going. It's a very well put-together con, and I'd recommend it to anyone, whether they enjoy anthros or just having fun. On to the art!
And ALL of the ones from 2012 that I did. The theme was "Moulin Rouge"